Rent Control is Under Attack!


As so many in our community have witnessed and experienced firsthand, when a house is sold or when the rent goes up, we not only risk losing our homes but our community. In 2016, Richmond successfully passed the first Rent Control and Just Cause for Eviction ballot measure campaign in over 30 years. Richmond’s Rent Board has played a vital role in assisting tenants in knowing and asserting their legal rights, providing education to the community, collecting critical data on the cities landlord population, and helping mediate disputes among tenants and landlords.

Now, during a global pandemic and widespread social unrest, the council is considering putting forward a ballot measure in November 2020 to repeal the cities rent control measure.

Join us at the June 16th city council meeting to oppose this egregious abuse of power. Tenants rights, ensuring dignified access to housing & shelter, and neighborhood stabilization should be the cities main priority. 

Valerie Jameson